About the Books

The New Douai Rheims Bible was a retyped, reformatted from the original Douai Rheims Bible dated from 1582 Rheims and the 1609-10 Douai. This work has not been completed before this edition. The Apocryphal books have been removed.

A Christian Christmas Pageant is a theatrical version of the Christmas Story as you would read it in the Gospels. I made a few different versions taken from the ESV, KJV, and NDRV respectively. This book includes instructions on building the set and making the costumes for the play.


I am a mom of nine adult daughters and proud grandma of twenty four grandchildren. All of my children are married and we are “empty nesters” now. The majority of my life was devoted to raising and homeschooling our nine children. This including a large garden every year. I now enjoy studying the Bible and developing a deeper understanding of Revelation. I enjoy taking care of my many house plants, the dog and a couple horses that are left from when the kids girls were still here. My new hobby of raising some organic chickens and a my yearly (albeit smaller) garden.

My family and I typed The New Douai Rhreims Bible by hand including the cross references when oldest kids were still in school. We, as a family, then read and reread every verse in the Bible, searching for grammatical or spelling errors, as a daily devotional for years, until none were found. The older children would help me watch for errors and the younger children listened as my husband read the Bible aloud almost every night. It was our desire that our children would grow up knowing the Bible. The apocryphal books were omitted from the final publication.

My second work is The Christian Christmas Pageant. I had, in the past, searched unsuccessfully for a Christmas play that was a theatrical performance of the Christmas story I was reading in the Bible. I wanted the lines the characters spoke in the play to be what the Bible said was spoken with as little ad lib as possible. Being unsuccessful in my search, I decided to create the play myself. I asked my daughter, who is a carpenter, to create the props to dimension and create instructions how to make the props. I created the costumes and tried them on my children and grandchildren altering them until they worked. This Play book includes the script and all of the instructions needed for creating the props and costumes.